There are several other no VOC paints to choose from besides the infamous Yolo Colorhouse Brand.
In 2006 several other eco-friendly paint options were introduced to the public.
Eco-Spec, which can be purchased through Benjamin Moore retailers (http://www.benjaminmoore.com/), provides an efficient, eco-friendly paint.
It's durability and washable qualities make it an ideal paint for young childrens' rooms.
The only down-side is, Eco-Spec's color spectrum is limited due to the high VOC content in darker paints.
Horizon is another green option for your painting needs.
It's texture allows for easy brush techniques and the ability to cover more wall with less paint.
These are available at the following address: http://www.roddapaint.com/
Last, but most certainly not least, is SafeCoat. It's a great paint if you're looking for consistency and ability to maintain even coverage, but needs to be mixed often because of the weaker binding agents in eco-friendly paint. You can check these out at: http://www.sampledepartment.com/